You can set up the design of your donation page at Settings > Organization > Basic Settings.

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Name & Logo

The first field in this menu allows you to set or change the "Doing Business As" (DBA) name of your organization. This will be the name that is displayed on your donation page that your donors will visit to make their donations. For more information on formatting your organization's name, visit our article on Page Design. You can choose to either display your organization's name, which will be formatted according to GivingFire's branding, or you can upload your organization's logo.

The next field in this menu allows you to upload your organization's logo. Allowed file types are jpg, png, and gif, although we recommend a high-quality PNG with a transparent background. The max width is 880px, and the max height is 120px. If your logo is larger, we'll resize it to the allowed size while retaining the aspect ratio. If you'd like to center the logo on your donation page, create a 880px by 120px image with the logo centered. For more information on formatting your logo, visit our article on Page Design.

Receipt Text

This field allows you to edit the message your donors receive on their donation receipt. We send an electronic receipt for every online donation made to your organization.