Donor autotagging is done automatically by GivingFire to help expedite some common searches. There are four different autotags: Online Only, Offline Only, Pledge Only, and Possible Duplicate. Here's an explanation of all four:

Online Only

The "Online only" tag is applied to donors who have always donated online, and have never given a cash or check donation through an offline batch.

Offline Only

The "Offline only" tag is applied to donors who have only given via cash or check donation to the organization. These donors have never given online; all their gifts have been entered in through offline batches. 

Pledge Only

The "Pledge only" tag is applied to donor accounts which were created through the manual pledge entry function but have not yet made a donation. As soon as the donor makes their first donation, the "Pledge only" tag will be automatically removed. 

Possible Duplicate

The "Possible duplicate" tag is applied to donor accounts which share the same first and last names. Please note, just because GivingFire tags donors as possible duplicates doesn't mean they are duplicates. Common names such as John Smith will be autotagged under possible duplicates even if they have nothing to do with each other. All donor accounts with this autotag should be carefully reviewed by an admin before requests are made to merge accounts.

Autotags are automatically generated by the system and can't be manually removed by administrators. Autotags do not show up next to donors' names in the donor list. However, in the donor search and filter bar, you can type in the autotag you'd like to search for (i.e., 'online only'), choose 'apply search & filter', and a list of the donors with that particular autotag will generate: