Payment Processing Overview


The payment processing industry is a complex and confusing industry. Our goal at GivingFire is to help reduce that complexity. While there are many wheels turning behind the scenes that you don’t need to know about, there are a few things that you should know. First, there are two forms of online payments: Credit/Debit Cards (CC) and Bank Direct Deposit (ACH). Each of these is processed through an entirely different system than the other. 

Since the Credit Card industry is relatively newer, it moves relatively faster. Donations will take 1-2 business days to reach your account from the time the donation is made (note: donations will not process on weekends or bank holidays). All CC donations that are deposited in your organization’s account will either have the name BANKCARD 1161 or BANKCARD 8710. These names will also debit fees for all credit/debit card transactions for the month. Fees are drawn on-or-around the 4th of each month and you will receive a paper statement in the mail on-or-around the 11th of each month. 

ACH donations are processed through an older and slower system. It will typically take 3-5 business days for an ACH donation to reach your account from the moment the donation is made. All ACH donations that are deposited in your organization’s account will have the name ReliaFund, IncFees will be taken out for all ACH transactions and the monthly fee together, on-or-around the 15th of each month. ReliaFund will send you an electronic statement on-or-around the 10th of each month. 

Regardless of which system a transaction is in, both batch their donations together. This means that, rather than seeing every single donation deposited in your account, you will see batches deposited into your account. For example, if ten donors each gave $10 on Monday (via CC for the sake of illustration) you will see a deposit from BankCard 8710 or BankCard 1161 for $100 on Wednesday. This is important information for your month-end reconciliation. 

Sometimes your bank may ask for an Originator ID in order for month end fees to be cleared. Please provide the following to your bank: Originator ID 10141161SD and 10141161SM.

Credit Card Reconciliation

Because there are two different systems at for each online payment method, you will need to pull two separate reports each month:

One to reconcile your CreditCard / DebitCard donations and one to reconcile your ACH donations. We’ll start with your credit card donations. 


1. From the administrative console, click Donations in the top navigation bar, then click Transactions.

2. Set the following filters:

    a. Select the Date Range you would like.

    b. Select by Settled Date

    c. Reconciliation States

    d. Advanced Filter: Credit/Debit

3. Click Apply Filter to check the results.

4. If everything looks good, then click Download CSV.

Note: Batches from Friday and Saturday and Holidays are combined and deposited on the next business day.

ACH Reconciliation                                      

The steps to generate a report of all your ACH donations for the month is nearly identical to those taken to generate the credit card report we just looked at.

1. From the administrative console, click Donations in the top navigation bar, then click Transactions.

2. Set the following filters:

    a. Select the Date Range you would like. 

    b. Select by Settled Date

    c. Reconciliation States

    d. Advanced Filter: ACH         

3. Click Apply Filter to check the results.

4.  If everything looks good, then click Download CSV.