The donor list (found in your admin console under Donors > Donor List) has advanced search and filter controls to help you quickly gain insight into your donors and their donation history. From the Donor List, the Search & Filter box is at the top of the screen.


Here's a quick run-down of how each function works. Keep in mind that you can use multiple filters at the same time - selecting both a "Member" tag and a "New" checkbox will only show members who joined GivingFire in the last month. 

Donor Name: Search for donors based on their name. You can make this as specific or vague as you'd like, and search will look for the text you enter in both first names and last names. For example, if you enter "John" you might find results for both "John Doe" and "James Johnson." This function is identical to the Quick Search in the upper right corner of the navigation bar.

Donor Tags: If your organization has added tags to certain donors, you can filter the list by those pre-existing tags. You can add more than one tag, in which case the filtered list will only show donors that have ALL of the tags. For example, you can create a filter with the "Member" and "Campus: Ballard" tags, which will only select members in the Ballard Campus (as opposed to members in other campuses, or non-members in the Ballard Campus.)

Zipcode: You can filter donors in a certain geographic region by entering in specific zipcodes. Like the Donor Tag selection, an automatic dropdown will show pre-existing zipcodes in your database. Selecting multiple zipcodes will show donors that have ANY selected zipcode.

Badge Selection (Recurring/New/Error): Selecting any of these checkboxes will return donors that have the specific badge. Recurring will return any donor that has an active recurring donation. New will return any donor that joined GivingFire in the past 30 days. Error will return any donor that has a active recurring donation that's currently being self-repaired by the donor.

Joined between: This date range will return any donor that joined GivingFire or gave for the first time in between that range. You can choose to only select one date and leave the other blank - for example, selecting Jan 1 for the Start Date and leaving the End Date blank will show all donors who joined from the beginning of the year through the present date.

Donated between: This date range will return any donor that gave any donation in between that range. Like all of the range filters, you can opt to only enter one date and leave the other open-ended.

YTD Giving: This number range will return any donor that's given in between that range since January 1 of the current year. Like all of the range filters, you can opt to only enter one number and leave the other open-ended.

Lifetime Giving: This number range will return any donor that's given in between that range. Like all of the range filters, you can opt to only enter one number and leave the other open-ended.