Creating an account with GivingFire is easy to do. Follow these steps and you’ll be set up in no time with the ability to track, modify, pause, and stop donations.

  1. Click “Create an Account” near the top of the page.


  2. Make sure you choose a strong password and you agree to GivingFire’s Terms and Conditions. 

  3. For security purposes, we’ll send you an email to confirm that you own that email account. This email should appear in your inbox in a few minutes. You can either click on the first link provided, or copy and paste the token into the screen we showed you after you signed up. Either one will work. 

  4. Once you’re verified, you can sign in as normal. We’ll redirect you to your Donor Dashboard, where you can modify recurring gifts and see your donation history. You can also click “Donation Page” to return to your organization’s donation page.